SBIR Pricing Plans


On average we are cost competitive with ($10k+; AI generated), TurboSBIR (1.5k/mo, 3 mo min. contract; AI generated) and

ScienceDocs ($170-180/hr for >30-40 hrs for grant writing).

NSF SBIR Project Pitch





Fixed Price

All Four Project Pitch Questions

Written by an Expert in Your Domain Area


- Technical Innovation and Feasibility

- Clear delineation of the "science problem"

- Commercially viability and market analysis

- Description of the R&D or technical goals

- Measurable acceptance criterion for each goal

- Company overview and team structure



NSF SBIR Project Pitch





Fixed Price

Completely written by one of our 10 NSF Writers

No Generative AI


- Critical Review of your Accepted Projeect Pitch

- Intellectual Merits & Broader Impacts (1 page)

- Commercial Opportunity (2-3 pages)

- The Technical Solution (1-3 pages)

- Technical Discussion and R&D Plan (5-6 pages)

- The Company/Team (1-3 pages)

- Budget Template and Budget Justifications

- Facilities and Resources

- Data Management Plan

- Letters of Support (3) from People You Nominate









Fixed Price

Completely written by one of our 5 NIHWriters

No Generative AI



- Specific Aims reviewed by an NIH Program Director

- Project Narrative

- Public Health Statement

- Abstract (up to 30 lines)

- Technical Discussion and Research Plan (6 pages)

- The Company/Team

- Budget Template and Budget Justifications

- Facilities and Resources

- Data Management Plan

- Clinical Trial or IRB Documents* (extra $995)

- Letters of Support (3) from People You Nominate